Aquarius Full Moon 2021

This Full Moon explores the themes of Inner Radiance and Higher Perspectives.

The Sun is in its sign of rulership - Leo - inviting us to connect with our inner light and flame.

How can you cultivate more celebration and joy in your life?

How can the light of the Sun in Leo offer you clear vision?

How can this clarity activate more passion and purpose in your life?

The Leo Sun wants to be seen and celebrated. However, when this desire to be acknowledged comes from a place of lack, uncertainty or is dependent upon others it can become a self destructive pattern. Egoic attention seeking develops the drama queen that is the Shadow of Leo.

When our desire to share comes from a space centred in self love it creates a grounded appreciation of our place within the whole. We may then Generously share our gifts to inspire others to do the same. This is when our inner radiance can become a beacon of light for all.

The Moon in Aquarius reflects its light from the heart of the Leo Sun. With wisdom and a higher perspective it illuminates a path of unconditional love and a quest for truth and higher knowledge.

Aquarius seeks equality and unity consciousness. Instead of needing to be the centre of attention the Aquarius Moon invites us to be the space holder of the sacred circle that allows each and every person to step forward and have their hearts and voices be received.

How can you look beyond your personal desires and beliefs, to create space to truly listen to your community and what may serve collectively?

How can you tap into your subconscious to receive guidance from the upper world. Opening up to the genius mind of Uranus ( modern planetary ruler of Aquarius) and then grounding this brilliance into reality with the power of Saturn (traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius).

As your inner light and self love shines through you can tap into infinite life force and inspiration to guide your next steps along this path.

These themes are further enhanced by the increase of Solar Flare activity taking place right now. These eruptions of intense radiation from the Sun create magnetic disturbances on the Earth. It also has a strong effect on our consciousness, challenging our mental and emotional wellbeing. If you feel exhausted or overwhelmed right now that may be a result of this Solar activity.

How can you cultivate more compassion for yourself?

How can you create more space for self love practices to nourish and rejuvenate your body, mind and nervous system?

Wishing you many blessings and activation of your inner radiance and self love for this Moon.


Pisces Full Moon & Autumn Equinox


Cancer New Moon 2021