As Above, So Below - As Within, So Without

As Above So Below - As Within So Without

This ancient axiom originates from the Seven Universal Principles found in the Kybalion. A book that unveils the philosophy of the ancient and sacred texts of the Corpus Hermeticum, the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. 

This axiom and the teachings of Hermes create the foundation for the studies of Alchemy, Astrology, Metaphysics and Herbalism. All ancient practices that hold immense wisdom regarding the nature of the Universe, our place within it, as well as our journey of evolution. Along with opening the pathways of healing, awakening and transformation the study of these practices have provided huge keys in our development of modern science. Evolving through Alchemy into Chemistry; Astrology into Astronomy; Metaphysics into Physics; and Herbalism into Medicine. It is suffice to say that through contemplation on these words much may be revealed.

“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without” offers the dynamic relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm, between our inner realms and the outer landscapes. It is central to the philosophy of Alchemy, giving one the capacity to understand various aspects of the Universe by observing those same parts within oneself, or vice versa. This provides a map, a blueprint, to navigate the patterns and order within nature and the creation of our Universe. 

Yet is there a pattern in Creation? Or is it Random? 

If we choose to believe that all life is occurring randomly without any structure, pattern or rhythm, then we live in a world that is chaotic, isolating and cruel. When we look to find the dynamic relationship between all living things and the life force energy that flows within all of creation, we live in a world that is guided, and united in harmony. We can learn to observe the cycles of creation, life, death and rebirth. We can learn to align our energy, thoughts, offerings and life’s purpose with Nature. This Axiom provides the key to begin this process.

My life’s work was profoundly influenced by this saying. I found a grounding cable for the concepts and theories I had been exploring, providing somewhere for them to land in a tangible way. 

When my journey with Astrology began I deeply trusted in the practice, yet I had no way to understand how or why it worked beyond my faith that it did. When I read the Kybalion and began my studies into Hermeticism I realised “As Above, So Below” offered the correlation between the Cosmos and the Human Experience. Becoming aware that as these celestial bodies shift their positioning in the sky, their archetypal relationships with one another change the influence they have on not only our psyche, but also our physical and spiritual health and wellbeing. 

In understanding these patterns and cycles I was able to support the fluctuations and changes in my energy levels, emotions and creative life force. I was able to start living in alignment with the flow of creation rather than desperately grasping, blindfolded in the dark trying to determine my next step. I was able to harness the flow of life force energy and work along with it, stepping into my life and offerings with ease, grace and a sense of belonging and harmony.

I became fascinated, drawn to uncover other ways I could begin to experience and navigate the web of life. My path took me to study Herbalism. I learned that not only do the planets influence humans but they influence all of Nature, including the growth, blossoming and potency of plants. Through observing the planets and their positioning in the sky we can receive information determining when to seed or harvest certain plants. We can harness the celestial energies in the creation of certain medicines. 

Yet the axiom goes further than describing just the relationship between above and below. It speaks also to the dynamic between within and without, linking our inner experience with the outside world. It teaches us that through the observation of one we can come to learn about the other. Uniting duality as One. 

Through applying this Axiom to my studies in Herbalism and Plant Medicine I have found that through working with a plant I open further to understanding myself. By growing, meditating with, talking to and consuming plants I open a communication to learn from them. They can guide us to balance, harmonise, heal and revitalise the aspects within ourselves that they correspond with. Likewise through self exploration we too can learn to hear the whispers, actions and ways of the Plant Kingdom.

“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without” expands throughout all realms of reality and dimensions of consciousness. It is no wonder this axiom is one of the most recognized within Western Metaphysics, and so commonly referred in the spiritual paths towards awakening. The more I reflect on it, as time goes by, the deeper my understanding grows. I wholeheartedly invite you to explore this axiom for within your own life, to find the many varying areas that it can shine light.

Would you like to learn to read the Natal Chart? Check out the Awaken Astrology Online Course

Would you like to become a Lucid Dreamer?? Join the live online dream course: Lucid Dream Course

Or join us in the mountains of Peru at our retreat Spirit Medicine


Returning to our Senses