
Astrology Readings

Weaving together teachings and philosophies from around the world, Gaia has founded Awaken Astrology.

Exploring the wisdom from the ancient Greek traditions, Qabalistic Philosophy, the Tarot, Shamanic Traditions, Ayurveda and Western Herbalism.

This paradigm focuses on the Awakening of Consciousness.

Guiding individuals to discover their Soul’s Purpose and Life Path.

Gaia works with Sacred Ceremony and Archetypal Wisdom to harness the energy of the stars.

Creating space for Holistic Healing and Awakening in the body, mind, emotions and spirit, guided by astrological alignments in the chart. 

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In a Natal Chart Reading we shall explore:

Life purpose

Passions, gifts, latent talents and skills

Karmic patterns, core wounds and energetic bonds

Areas of nourishment and inspiration

Past life experiences and imprinting

Soul evolution and expansion

Energetic Signature

Physical Constitution

Predisposition to disease and imbalances that may manifest in the body

Timeline Orientation & Current Life Initiations

Work, offerings and abundance.

Are you looking to go Deeper?

  • Transit & Progressions Reading

    Learn about the specific alignments in the sky right now that are bringing certain initiations, lessons and themes to the forefront in your life right now. Discover how you can harmonise with the energy of the moment. What actions, choices, cleanses, ceremonies, rituals and areas of focus will be most supported during the year to come. What chapters are closing and which doors are now open.

  • Relationship Composite & Synastry Chart Reading

    Explore your Natal chart and it’s relationship to another individual. Discuss the learning opportunities, areas of growth and challenge in your relationship. See what you are collectively co-creating. Discover how you can best support, serve and uplift each other on the collective journey of evolution as two individual beings. Rewrite old relationship narratives to discover what is truly there in this present moment. ***This reading is most commonly shared between romantic partners, parent & child relationships or work colleagues***

“Gaia Hope Good is MAGIC! Crossing paths with Gaia has been the most incredible gift. From completing my teacher training with Gaia as my facilitator to booking astrology sessions, Gaia has served as a transformational mentor (to say the very least) to myself. She is a profound example of living truly from one’s heart-space. Gaia is authentic and open; she holds space for others to explore growth and development, while cultivating a space that is extremely supportive, loving, and gentle. Gaia is an incredible listener, 100% present in her work, and a beacon of light, love, and hope. She is incredibly inspiring, an absolute WEALTH of knowledge and wisdom, and pure joy to simply know. Her work—in whatever fashion—leaves you feeling empowered, supported, heard, loved, and connected with your heart-space, regardless of how you arrive."

—Ellie Simms


Want to learn to read Astrology?

Gaia teaches the Awaken Astrology Course online and in person.

Offering in depth training on the Archetypes, Zodiac Signs, Planets & Alignments. Combined with the Tarot, Constitutions in Ayurveda and Shamanic Ceremony.

Participants are inspired and empowered to walk the path of Astrology, reading for themselves and for others.

“Gaia is a wisdom keeper, her light is expansive and her eagerness to learn is revealed through her teachings. She is a channel of all the wisdom she has learned, continues to learn, and is learning. The astrology course with Gaia is a combination of her life’s work thus far in shamanic practices brought into relation through astrology. We covered the basics for being able to read and understand the archetypes of an astrological birth chart based on the elements and other earthly models. Her method is simple, how can we empower others to learn more about themselves through their charts so they can be the brightest human they’re destined to be. This completely shifted my pre conceived ideas of the more “negative aspects” of signs, and allowed me to see the challenges as the greatest steps to our highest wisdom. This life is so exciting and Gaia shines with excitement and grace through her teachings. She is energetically aligned with her highest self and brings a relatable energy into her teachings specific to the students. A sense of empowerment floods me in her presence as she brings awareness to my own magnificence, thus allowing me the space to really understand the teachings. Thank you for being a guide to our inner abundance, and sharing your ever expanding light, Aho!”
— Julia Gordon

Gaia has studied many paradigms of astrology including training from the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, the School of Evolutionary Astrology, Medical Astrology with Judith Hill, Astro-Herbalism with the School of evolutionary Herbalism. Gaia has also received initiation at a Qabalistic Mystery School, Las Pyramides Del Ka.

This path has given Gaia a holistic, grounded, ceremonial and magical approach to Astrology.

For more information…


Contact Gaia