Awakening Path

The Awakening Path

In the last article I discussed the Healing Path, one that is intimately linked with the Awakening journey. As we heal our past trauma, conditioning, wounds, or negative self-talk - we create a kind of opening, a revealing, of what is underneath all of that. 

There are no additions with awakening, real freedom is already present, it is the very ground of our Being. In this way, the experience of true awakening is rarely what most of us anticipate. 

The ego can get very excited about the prospect of becoming enlightened, or it’s big awakening. This can be very useful as to motivate you to find a healer, a teacher and begin a spiritual practice. Yet, the irony with this is, in order to truly awaken, the ego can not come along - we awaken from the identification with the ego, not with it. 

So it’s more of a losing game than winning, in a way.. A journey of letting go, or releasing what is not true, in order to reveal the deeper all pervading truth of existence. 

We essentially begin to see the stories and the masks for what they are. As we open and identify more and more with the truth of our being. 


Along the way, blissful states can arise in deep meditative states, we can be profoundly touched by the depth of Love beyond bounds, yet this is not necessarily what awakening is all about. These peak spiritual experiences can be very encouraging and incentivise our continued search for the Truth, but we shouldn’t continue to seek these moments of glory. The Truth of your Being is beyond that.


There can also be many moments of discomfort as we awaken, adjusting to a new way of being and experiencing the world can mean a lot of outgrowing old ways of living, including some friends and things that used to be enjoyable. 


Healing can feel great as we let go of heavy burdens or cathartically release our trauma and conditioning. Whereas, awakening can sometimes be confusing as we start to navigate unknown territory and new ways of being.


However, as we continue to integrate and embody the shifts in our life, things often become a lot more simple, we can appreciate the beauty in the smallest of things and the new level of consciousness becomes ‘normalised’ as a way of experiencing reality. A journey towards Being with what is, rather than wishing for something else.


At the core of awakening is Oneness, or put another way, the lack of separation. We experience ourselves as separate from everything else, yet this is an illusion. A large part of this illusion is due to the ego’s exaggerated sense of ‘I’ or ‘me’. I really resonate with what Jimmy Hendrix says in one of his songs:  

“I used to live in a room full of mirrors, all I could see was me. I took my Spirit and smashed those mirrors, now the whole world is there for me to see!”

and As Einstein said, 

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

This is why practices that alter or expand our consciousness, such as breathwork, working with plant medicine, or energy healing, can be so powerful in supporting people’s transformation.

It is why Vortex Healing has the capacity to make such big shifts in your consciousness. Bridging Divine light helps the system to feel held and safe enough to unravel and blossom into a more expansive and open way of being in the world. Reminding the energy system to resonate with the all pervading unconditional love of creation.

Healing and Awakening is by no means linear, we tend to alternate between healing and awakening throughout the journey to wholeness. Themes often come around in spirals, where we have the opportunity to heal and integrate a particular issue at another octave or angle some years later, rather like peeling an onion (and sometimes there can be tears!). 

Moments of great expansion can sometimes illuminate the areas in our life where we feel separation, offering a valuable insight on where we can grow or learn to create more freedom from within.

It is possible to experience sudden awakenings as the kundalini channel is cleared, or even through unexpected events, like a significant loss. This awakening can be due to a ripening in your consciousness, through this life or previous lifetimes. Having worked as a counsellor supporting individuals who were close to death, I was astounded at the depth of profound realisation people experienced as they approached their last breath.

Remember, the Truth of your Being is always present, the awakening journey is not one that we really ever complete, like some kind of computer game. The journey must go on as they say! 

My teacher, His Holiness the twelfth Gangri Karma Rinpoche once told me: 

“It is as if you are a clay vase with a candle inside it, as you continue to awaken, it is like you are poking holes in the vase, allowing your inner radiance to shine and intimately meet the entire world.”

It has been of immense value to me to work with healers and spend time with awakened teachers; through resonance, our consciousness begins to align with an awakened state of being. We are all on an awakening journey back home, whether we realise it or not - it can be a lot more fun to consciously walk the path! 

“Be as you are. With thoughts or without thoughts, you are still pure being. Notice how everything arises and exists within awareness. Feel that awareness.” 


The ebbs and flows of life are always in accordance with Divine intention. Divinity is ever present. However our emotional, mental, karmic conditioning, as well as our genetics can distract and distort our ability to stay present, to be open to each Divine moment. This of course affects our relationship with Life.

In the Healing & Awakening journey we are all on, we learn to let go of these patterns of separation and begin to open to and embrace life in its fullest, as it is, as you are…

If you would like support with your healing and awakening journey, it would be my honour to walk with you. You can view more information on the links below and feel free to message me with any questions or thoughts:

Vortex Healing®



Dreaming Big!


The Healing & Awakening Path