How do you see the world?

A simple question, with huge implications for the quality of your life! 

Wherever we place our attention, this inevitably expands within our field of reality. Over time, we tend to place our attention on an increasingly narrow view, however open-minded we consider ourselves to be.

This can limit our experience, particularly if we have begun to feel worry or self-doubt.

There is a sense of wonder, curiosity and innocence that we all recognise in small children; it reminds us of the purity and potential that exists within all of us.

Through the course of life, the brain creates what are called ‘sensory gating channels’ that, in effect, decide what is important and what is not. This literally filters what we see, hear, smell and feel. Some of us may be highly attuned to bird song for example, and some may not hear it at all. 

Much of social conditioning directs our attention towards our limitations, threats to our way of being, and increases the feeling of not being good enough. This feedback loop is detrimental for our sense of well-being, freedom, creativity and enjoyment of life.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite… For man has closed himself up, till he sees thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.” William Blake

We all know that worrying about a potential future does nothing to help the situation. Yet it is very easy to forget the big, beautiful picture. Life is a precious gift full of possibility, where we get to learn, evolve and love as much as we dare!

The benefit of opening one’s sensory gating channels is that we widen our lens on reality. This increases our psychic and intuitive awareness; an invaluable tool for creativity and inspiration. It also helps to shift our focus from our limitations and problems, to experiencing the full spectrum and rich tapestry of life. 

Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm states that the best way of opening these channels is through meditation and work with entheogenic plant medicine.

“Hallucinogens open the sensory gating channels very wide. You move back more closely to a state similar to what we expected in birth. Everything becomes novel, and we get into a state of wonder, contemplation and rapture.” Stephen Harrod Buhner

The intention for the upcoming Spirit Medicine Retreat is to facilitate a journey to ignite the zest for life and remember your true essence.

Walking with Huachuma, immersed in the awe-inspiring sacred mountains, it is natural to remember your place as an essential thread within the web of life. Nourishing your body and soul with movement, vortex energy healing, meditation, song, spa, massage and hot springs. Allowing yourself to be completely held as you explore what being alive means for you.

Restoring the spark of creativity, balancing the nervous system and returning to the wisdom of your own heart.

We invite you to our home in the mountains to refresh your vision and remember the beauty of life.

Join us for Spirit Medicine Retreat in the Sacred Valley, Peru


The path of an Alchemist


Dreaming with the Earth