Gemini New Moon - Solar Eclipse 2021

During this Annular Solar Eclipse the Moon will partially come between the Sun and the Earth blocking some of the Sun’s rays from reaching the Earth. The ancients considered this as a bad omen. Many indigenous cultures recognised the Sun’s life-giving powers. For the sky to darken in the middle of day may have been seen as a sign of challenge and death foretold. 

There is another explanation. The moon represents our deep unconscious mind. It holds the hidden secrets of our being. It is an occult symbol for the feminine mysteries. Her essence is even changing, deeply emotional and beyond control. Those that attune to her resonance have in the past been labeled as “luna-tics” and by others as “seers”. Her darkness at New Moon reveals her true face and unveils the mists of perception to see beyond the physical into the imaginal realm.

It is no wonder that when her shadow is cast upon the Sun that it is a time of uncertainty, of supernatural visions, of transformation and rebirth. 

Yet it is also the time when both the Sun (the divine masculine) and the Moon (the divine feminine) reunite as one - this provides an opportunity for re-membering and awakening to wholeness.

This particular Eclipse will be taking place alongside some other powerful alignments.

Saturn Trine the North Node

Saturn represents birthing the invisible into the physical, structure, limitation and manifestation. Yet Saturn also brings destruction to that which is not real or serving. The North Node is our destiny, it guides us towards the roles we have come to explore and embody during this lifetime. Collectively this alignment is cutting away the attachments we hold to previous structures (routines, choices, work, habits, governing bodies) that are no longer relevant in our lives. This creates the space we need to step into the next chapter of existence that we have here on Planet Earth. We are being invited to step up into the roles we have truly come here to embody - Guardians of the Sacred Earth, Wisdom Keepers, Wayshowers, Healers, Lovers, Parents to a new generation of Light Carriers and Star Seeds, Cosmic Creators and so much more all in service to our Mother and Unity.

Lilith Trine Pluto

Lilith the wild, dark, feminine intuition. Our raw animalistic nature that guides us through our senses and our instinct. She has been suppressed within so many of us. Considered unkempt, and unpleasing to our societal constructs of beauty and normality. This desire to conform and to stay “safe” has squashed our sense of aliveness and freedom. It has robbed us of our connection with the Earth, the plants and the animals. We have stepped out of the Garden of Eden and into an illusion of separation, competition and lack. This insanity has allowed us to blindly abuse our Mother, deluded in our belief that this is not a direct act of self harm.

Lilith Trine Pluto the planet of death, rebirth, power and the hidden mysteries is awakening a yearning. A strong desire to return to our true nature. To remember who we are, what we are and where we have come from. To ignite our sensuality, to activate each of our senses as we reclaim our position in the Garden of Eden. To allow the fear of separation to die as we are reborn to the Earth fully conscious that we are the Earth. 

Chiron Trine South Node

Chiron is the wounded healer, our Achilles heel. It represents the core wounds that we carry with us throughout this lifetime. As we learn to love ourselves, accepting and integrating the most vulnerable aspects of our lives these core wounds become our super powers. The medicine and healing gifts that we get to share with others who are challenged with similar traumas, conditioning and insecurities. 

Our South Node represents the roles we have played and the karmic themes we have lived through in our past lives. 

Chiron Trine the South Node clarifies our capacity to observe, witness and integrate any suffering we have carried through from previous incarnations or that has been handed down through our ancestral lineage. We have an opportunity to heal the wounding of generations of separation and forgetting. Here is the potential to harness the power of our pain and transmute it into an offering of unconditional love and healing for the Earth and all its inhabitants.

I invite you to take time for yourself. Sit with the darkness of the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse. Sit with your darkness. Embrace the dark goddess, the untamed feminine wisdom. Create space to allow whatever needs to arise, give that part of yourself a voice, be curious about what it has to offer. Trust that this too shall pass, yet for it to flow out it must rise up first.


Cancer New Moon 2021


Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 2021