Total Solar Eclipse - 2021

For the past two weeks we have been in a portal of transformation, transition and letting go. A time where much has shifted on a planetary level as well as within our personal lives and psyche. Imagine the caterpillar that enters into the cocoon to allow every cell of it’s being to break down, a mini death, a total restructuring to allow for the possibility of re-birth as the butterfly. Well that’s where we have been, with our lives and consciousness breaking down from within the cocoon.

For some this will have been experienced in small changes of attitude, new possibilities and prospects on the horizon. For others this has been a time of great initiation. With huge changes in circumstances, emotional breakdown, exhaustion, uncertainty and the resurfacing of old beliefs and behaviours. 

The core of what we consider to be stable has been shaken worldwide this year. And this eclipse portal for some will have taken what threads are left holding life as we know it together and pulled them apart. 

Yet what if this breakdown is truly a breakthrough? What if the tears that have flown are the sacred waters needed to nourish our seeds of creation for the next chapter? What if the exhaustion has been an invitation for deep rest as we restructure our life from within our DNA to the global structures that govern our world. What if the complete confusion about life and what it holds is an opportunity to rewrite old stories without attachment or expectation to step into a new path?

If this holds any resonance with you I ask you - What would you do with this possibility? What habits/patterns would you set aside for good? What new project, area of study, passion, self-love practice, awakening path would you choose? When the pieces of your life land into a new position how do you want them to look? How do you want to perceive yourself? What would you create?

The vibration of this Eclipse that leads up to the Winter Solstice aligned with the Great Conjunction is designed to crack us wide open. 

The Eclipse represents the pull between the light and the dark. As the Moon crosses over the Sun, blocking its rays, its light, its warmth. We are asked to be present with both our light, expansive, radiant, joyful nature, as well as our cold, dark, introverted, fluctuating nature. 

The Eclipse will be highlighting the Sagittarius/Gemini Axis inviting us to contemplate the balance between our playful inner child and the hermit that goes inward to find the inner guiding light. Exploring our minds - do we use our intellect and means of communication to joke, tell stories, gossip or to evolve our consciousness and expand our minds. Do we have the flexibility, as reflected within the mutable nature of these signs, to shift, to move along the spectrum, to change with the times?

The Great Conjunction, an alignment between Jupiter and Saturn that hasn’t taken place in 800 years! Where the two planets will line up to look like a radiant, large, bright star. Their energies weaving and playing together. Saturn the energy of contraction, limitation, structure and manifestation. Jupiter the energy of expansion, freedom, evolution and enlightenment. These planetary energies could not be more equal, opposite or essential.

So here we are being pulled between the Sun and the Moon, between Sagittarius and Gemini, between Saturn and Jupiter. It is natural we feel pushed, pulled, challenged and invited to change. So I encourage you to embrace it. Take time to meditate, to connect with your heart, rest into the unknown, whilst holding strong a vision of yourself landing gracefully into the next phase of your soul’s evolution.

To support you in this journey we have created a powerful two week free meditation series that you can join here.

We have also created our signature program - The Alchemy of Self Mastery - an online course exploring the Seven Universal Principles of Hermetic Philosophy, woven with various awakening and healing practices and techniques. The course is designed for individuals who are currently making changes in their life to evolve and awaken to a higher and more aligned version of themselves. Working with this powerful philosophy and our Self Mastery Strategy to create the life of their dreams. You can find out more information here.

To celebrate this powerful portal we are offering a 25% discount off this course running from The Solar Eclipse until the Solstice 14-21 December 2020.

To receive the discount email us at with the code TotalEclipse.

Many Blessings for this transformation!


Cancer Full Moon 2020


Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2020