Ceremony & Ritual
Ceremony and Ritual has been woven into communities, cultures, philosophies and spiritual practices for thousands of years. Offering a powerful means to communicate with the seen and unseen.
In ancient times, over 10 000 years ago, Rishis, Sages and Seers would sit around the fire channeling songs, chants and prayers. The messages and insights they brought to Earth directly channeled Divine Source offering wisdom and guidance for their communities. It was known that we are intricately woven into the web of life, originating from the same life force as the elements, plants and animals. Through Ceremony they found a way to communicate with all of life, beyond the limitations of spoken language. Finding a universal language based on symbols, alignment with the stars, harmony with the rhythm of nature and meditative prayer.
“As above so below, as within so without ”
This saying is one of the Seven Hermetic Universal Principles and a core foundation to Awaken Academy. It shows the intricate connection between all things. As we develop an intimate relationship with the core of our being, so do we develop a deeper understanding of the Universe. That which we do on this physical plane manifests in all other planes, as well as in all of our bodies - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It unites the realms of planets, people and plants offering us the means to unveil the mysteries of one by studying another.
Through Ceremony a profound space is opened for messages, intention and will to be expressed and received. By the elements called upon, the songs, prayers and intentions offered, our vibration shifts significantly. This opens our consciousness, allowing the subtler life force to enter the forefront of our awareness. Thereby inviting healing and awakening to the Great Mysteries.
At Awaken Academy we weave Ceremony and Ritual into all of our offerings. From giving sacred Tobacco to a plant before connecting with its Spirit and harvesting it’s medicine. In aligning with the Planetary Initiations in a client’s Astrological Chart, in order to guide the use of specific Rituals and practices, to create loving change in their life. To holding Sacred Ceremony with various Shamanic Plant Medicines. We work with Fire Ceremonies, Sound Healing, Meditation, Nature Connection, Celebrating the Seasonal and Lunar shifts, Shamanic Journeying, Energy Healing Ceremonies, Massage, Sweat Lodge, Breath Work, Dance and Kirtan.
In each of the magical locations that we hold retreats we invite local, indigenous wisdom keepers and elders to share sacred ceremonies; giving offerings to the land, it’s people and ancestors. It has been an honour to learn from all of our teachers and friends feeling their support and guidance as we continue to blossom and share.