Connecting with the Elements

What is real???

This is one of those questions that can be pulled like a thread, unwinding layers upon layers of deeper understanding, along with: Who am I? What happens when I die? Is there a God?

Over many years of exploring the depths of my own consciousness, through a devoted meditation practice, lucid-dreaming, shamanic journeys and profound healing; I have always returned to the simplicity of the Elements.

Indigenous cultures from every direction of the planet have always known this simple yet profound key to the mysteries of life. Indeed, it is the elements that make up the very fabric of life, within our bodies and all of life as we know it.

Practitioners of the Indian Ayurveda system (the Vedic wisdom of life) recognise individuals as a unique combination of 5 elements: ether, air, water, earth and fire. Through understanding an individual’s predominant element and where there is an imbalance, one can cultivate greater health through shifts in their diet and lifestyle. An example of which would be for an individual to consume spicy foods if they are lacking internal fire, or grounding, earthy foods for someone with excess in air.

Native American tribes have shown their understanding of the elements and the directions for centuries with the Medicine Wheel. Movement in the Medicine Wheel and in Native American ceremonies is circular, and typically in a clockwise, or “sun-wise” direction. The Wheel is used to align with the forces of Nature, such as gravity, the rising and setting of the Sun; ultimately revealing a person’s true nature. The Wheel can be aligned with a person’s life cycle, or the seasons of the year, with an initiate sometimes working with an element and direction for 3 months or even a year before moving onto the next of the elements and directions. This is a profound and humbling journey of understanding and connection.

In Astrology the elements are represented in each of the zodiac signs and give a clear picture of the forces at play within a person’s birth chart. An intimate understanding of the elements is woven within herbalism, working with the elements present within plants and people to heal holistically and create balance.

As you can see, the elements are fundamental to our understanding of health, as well as exploring the greater mysteries. Buddhists, Alchemists, Pagans and virtually all wisdom traditions work with the elements in some way; whether to achieve full liberation, for the practice of magic & ritual, or as a doorway for connecting with the unseen realms and archetypes.

Studies have shown that negative ions are essential for neutralising free radicals, revitalising cell metabolism, enhancing immunity, purifying the blood, as well as balancing the autonomic nervous system. Negative ions are most available in nature: waterfalls, beaches, forests, springs, mountains, moving wind and the soil.

In my experience, the more awareness we bring to our relationship with the elements, the more we connect with them both within and without, the more balance and beauty we may find in our lives. It may also lead you to more magic too!

So how do you consciously connect with the elements of your life?


There is no medicine quite like putting your hands in the soil and connecting with our plant allies, all the secrets of the universe await us in the garden or an ancient forest.

The Earth element is also associated with our body, our human form, what a gift it is! We can connect with this element through cultivating self-love practices, caring and nurturing the vessels that carry our soul. This can include being conscious about the food we eat, exercise, massage, dance, sensuality - whatever feels good and honours your temple.

The Earth holds many keys to greater understanding, the axiom states ’as above, so below and as below, so above’ – so by paying attention to the cycles and laws of nature, we may begin to glimpse at the workings of the unseen world. This can be one of the many gifts of growing a garden.


There is nothing quite like meeting water at its source, Pagan traditions honour natural springs as sacred for good reason! To drink from a sacred well, such as Chalice Well in Glastonbury is an experience to behold, offering whispers of remembering with each sip. After a long day, the shower or a bath can be incredibly healing for a weary body.

But when did you last enter a natural large body of water?

To enter the ocean teaches us the very nature of vibration and waveform. Bathing or swimming in a lake, a river or the sea cleanses us on more than a physical level, rejuvenating and cleansing our auric field, as well as our physical bodies.

Water also represents our emotions, our tears a clear expression of this. We can find it helpful to meet our emotions down by the water and it teaches us to allow them to flow through us, rather than avoid or hold on to them in an unhealthy way.


To feel the breeze caress your skin can be one of the most sensual experiences we are blessed to enjoy. With a mind full of thoughts we may be numb to this intimate exchange with the wind. This could be considered a paradox of the Air, the element that represents our Mental aspect. The breeze can be a wonderful ally in becoming mindful and present to the fruits of what is before us. Many ancient traditions sing of the whispers it carries too, should we only learn to listen.

In the Kybalion, a book that teaches the 7 universal laws, it states that "All is Mind." These teachings explain the power of our minds to create reality and how we may align our lower minds to higher realms. To learn more, see our course: The Alchemy of Self Mastery


The sacred fire has been central to the rituals and ceremonies of our ancestors for as long as we humans have come together to pray.⁠

We all know how a candle or a log fire stirs something deep within our souls. Fire ignites our inspiration and represents our connection with Spirit.⁠

If you live by candlelight, without artificial lights or looking at screens for at least an hour before you go to bed, you will notice a profound difference in your quality of sleep. This can also support a lucid dreaming practice if you are interested in bringing more awareness to your dream world.

Elements and Ritual

In ritual, magic and ceremony adepts will evoke the elements and have them present upon the altar. Inviting the spirit of Fire with a candle, incense or a feather for Air, a glass or chalice of Water and a stone or seed for the Earth, we create sacred space and bring power for our prayers and rituals.

Working with the elements in this way you can help to clear and cleanse the energy of a space. This is very effective if there has been a strong emotional charge in a room, or if the energy feels heavy, it’s also good for clearing the build up of energy within hotel rooms.

Opening a sacred space with the elements helps us to access unseen and higher realms, to gain inspiration and give potency to our prayers and manifestations.

It may just create the space to simply reconnect to your true nature.

I invite you to light a candle, to be with all the elements..

Wishing you harmony, connection and childlike wonder x

PS. We will be sharing an deep dive into the Elements in our online courses soon, more info can be found here


Energy Healing


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