Energy Healing

What is energy healing?

As the name suggests, energy healing focuses on energy and the role it plays in shaping our present physical, emotional, and psychological lives. Along with our genetics and karmic accumulation, these make up our human energy system; a highly organised and complex structure that interfaces our thoughts, feelings and behaviour with our physical bodies and the world around us.

This constant and evolving interface between the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the actions we take, largely create the outer circumstances of our life. For example, from an energetic perspective; fear, negative thinking, unhealthy habits or conditioning are all forms of energy that create particular patterns in the mind and body. We can often recognise this in the sound of someone’s voice, the way they hold themselves, or simply just a feeling we have. 

These patterns can build up over time, reinforcing themselves, creating tension and patterns that can manifest as physical pain, emotional suffering, unfulfilling relationships, or disease.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Can you feel it?

It’s difficult for some to believe in the existence of something they cannot see, yet there are many things in this world we accept without question that remain invisible to the naked eye: wind, gravity, thoughts, our emotions. We know these things exist because we feel their effect - just as we can feel a lack of vitality or a rush of energy flowing through our bodies.

Science has proven that every living thing in existence has electromagnetic energy which vibrates at different frequencies. You may have heard of this energy as ‘chi’, or an auric field. Energy healing works by bringing greater flow and balance to your major energy centers (Chakras) as well as your energetic pathways (such as your meridians and jin shin pathways), as well as releasing the build-up of density or blockages. This supports and enhances the body’s natural capacity to heal and thrive.

Everyone experiences energy healing in different ways, depending on what is being worked upon, as well as the person’s focus during the session and their sensitivity to energy.

Some people sense the energy as it flows through their system; experiencing a range of bodily sensations, releases, shifts in temperature or light twitches and spasms. Some people experience old emotions or memories rise to the surface to be released and healed. Some people experience visions, different colours or geometric shapes, or guidance throughout the sessions. Most often people report dropping into a deeper state of consciousness, like a relaxing meditation, held in a space of loving acceptance.

Of course, there is a wide range of experiences that people can have during a session. Some people simply fall asleep or do not sense anything happening at all. Fortunately, the healing is not dependant upon the experience within the session and does not affect the depth of the treatment for the client. The healing is holistic and works to improve the person’s life in profound ways, far beyond the time of the session.

Following a healing session, it is common for people to report:

• Feeling deeply relaxed

• Having more energy

• Experiencing a greater sense of well-being and vitality

• Feeling a greater sense of personal empowerment

• Having greater clarity or insight around an important life situation

• Noticing an increased sense of lightness and joy

You don’t have to be ill to have a healing session

Going to see a healer when you do not feel ill or sad, can be a good time to go. Holistic Energy healing is not just about making you feel well or back to ‘normal’, but about helping you to thrive!

Just as we do not wait until there is an inch of dirt on the floor before we sweep or get the vacuum cleaner out, why wait until energetic accumulation builds to a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problem? 

It is much like when we take the car for a service to avoid more serious mechanical faults along the line. Well, energy healing is great for a full service and can also help tune your energetic centers, pathways, your organs and DNA to be even more efficient, healthy and aligned than before.

Healing vs Curing

Alberto Villoldo PhD, a medical anthropologist who has studied shamanic healing techniques for well over 30 years in the Andes, speaks of the difference between curing and healing. He says that curing is remedial and involves fixing whatever problem arises, like taping up a leaky pipe, treating symptoms like rashes with cream, or a tumour with chemotherapy. These cures can be vitally important and a great help, yet they often do not help you to avoid the cause of the leak, or the rash or the disease that caused the tumour. Alberto says: 

“Healing is broader, more global, and complete. Healing transforms one’s life, and often, though not always, produces a physical cure. I have seen many medical cures in which healing did not occur. I have also seen instances where there was a great healing but the patient passed away… While healing, we measure success by increased well-being, by a sense of newfound peace, empowerment, and a feeling of communion with all life.” Alberto Villoldo PhD

There is a place for Western Medicine, just as there is a place for more holistic ways to look after our health and well-being. Of course, exercise, our diet and other positive lifestyle choices are an important part of reaching optimum health too.

VortexHealing® Energy Healing

Working with Divine light and consciousness, VortexHealing® facilitates an inner awakening towards your true nature. As you heal and release your conditioning, you awaken to greater clarity and radiance from within.

VortexHealing® works in a truly holistic way, healing from the very root of one’s being. It focuses on all aspects of the system. Working in very specific ways to cleanse, open and energise the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. From your karmic conditioning through to the genetic expression within your body. This type of healing offers overall wellness and greater freedom to live life as your true essence. 

Due to the level of training that James has received, most of the VortexHealing® Tools he uses are equally as effective for long-distance healing sessions. James’ clients receive deep healing through their long-distance sessions and appreciate being able to experience the session from the comfort of their own home. Sessions are held via skype or WhatsApp to discuss the focus of the healing and anything that arises throughout the session, sharing any insights or potential tools that may help the healing integrate or go even deeper.

James is currently offering distant group sessions most Wednesday evenings too.

To find out more or book a session with James click here


What people say:

"James, your energy is so pure and magical. A healing from you is a true blessing- I will never forget the feeling of connection, as if we all shared the same heart & soul during that group healing session, and as if all that existed was love (as it does!). You are such a bright light. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me."⁠ Allie Schlener

“I had previously had a healing session with James in which he used a different modality, my experience that time was so beautifully beyond anything I had expected, so this time with the Vortex healing my hopes were high and I was not disappointed!James has a wonderfully authentic and gentle energy; when he holds space for you it feels purely harmonious and deeply nurturing. I have benefitted in numerous ways from my sessions with him on physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels. His presence is strong and supportive and he always makes me feel totally at ease and reassured in allowing the process he’s facilitating to take place. Highly recommended for literally everyone.” - Rebecca Hook

“James is such a powerful and compassionate healer. I was unsure of what to expect from the long distance vortex session but it was truly amazing. Spiritually and emotionally I felt so much peace and my heart was significantly lighter when we finished. During the session I saw myself being held by a kind of tree woman, it was so comforting and gave me such a sense of gratitude. From a physical perspective I'd woken up that morning with a crick in my neck and after the session it was completely gone. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts, I feel everyone could benefit from a vortex session!” - Meghan Coleman

“"I had some energy work with James in Guatemala... it changed my life! The energy work was so amazing that it is still with me months later. It has inspired me to work more with my energy and as a result, I have been able to help many people during this uncertain time. I hope to one day return for more energy work."⁠ Jacquie Cohen


Alberto Vivoldo - Shaman, Healer, Sage (2000)

Disclaimer: VortexHealing ® is a complementary energetic healing tool. It is not a replacement for medical treatment.  Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.




Connecting with the Elements