New Moon in Aries 2021

With the Moon Conjunct the Sun & Venus in Aries and Mercury & Chiron so close behind we continue to explore the themes of this last month. 


With so many planets in the sign of Aries we see the archetype of this sign showing up in many different parts of our consciousness. 

The themes of Aries include: new beginnings, cultivating courage & right action, a fresh start, fiery/pitta energy, activating the inner warrior, optimism, enhancing the willpower of the Manipura Chakra, lighting the fires of passion.

The New Moon encourages us to look deep within to witness what has been hiding and is suppressed. Allowing us an opportunity to let go of that which no longer serves, to be reborn.

This New Moon comes with increased potency for transformation as it is the first New Moon of the New Zodiac Year. It is an auspicious time to give offerings, to offer prayers to great spirit and to ignite change in your life.

Venus offers us insight into our relationships, our forms of communication, our creativity, as well as our capacity for self expression, self love and self care.

What is being asked of you at this moment? 

What decisions have you been avoiding that now must be faced with the courage of the Aries Warrior?

How are you not clearly expressing your wants, needs and desires in your life?

If you are in a relationship:

What is arising now that needs to be discussed?

How can you bring the eloquence of Venus and Mercury to support clear and compassionate communication, without breaking to the will and desires of another? 

How to maintain full sovereignty in honouring your health and wellbeing, whilst finding spaciousness and flexibility to meet the needs and wants of your partner?

Chiron & Mercury together invite us to contemplate our core wounds. It is possible that you have been experiencing more challenges than usual. 

In your own life Chiron & Mercury in Aries may be drawing to the surface insecurities & vulnerabilities. It is possible that compassion and patience are further from your reach as you face the judgements you hold of yourself. Our Manipura Chakra of self worth is asking for energising and healing as we come to accept our faults and move into radical self love beyond expectations.

In relationship you may be questioning and picking apart whether you are in alignment. A sense of mental well being may have been shaken as old wounds & traumas resurface. Do you feel yourself spiralling out of control in a swirl of uncertainty?

What if this disruptive energy is a force for positive change?

Maybe it encourages you to take a different path? Maybe it is inviting you to commit further? Maybe you are being called to devote more time and energy to yourself? 

What is being asked of you now? How can you learn from the challenges?

If you would like deeper guidance into how this is specifically aligning with your natal chart. To discuss the transits that are lighting up specific patterns and opening certain pathways for you right now. Then reach out to schedule an astrology reading with me here .


Scorpio Full Moon 2021


Libra Full Moon 2021